WAEC Past Questions & Answer: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2021

Welcome to our WAEC past question and answer series. In this post, we will be sharing English Language 2021 past questions and their answers for various subjects. Stay tuned enjoy while learning.
In each of the following sentences, there is a word underlined and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time correctly fill the gap in the sentence.
1. Far from being conclusive, the outcome of the meeting between Management and staff is ………
A. Controversial
B. Provisional
C. Substantial
D. Sentimental
2 . While Kofi felt relaxed about the incident, John remained visibly……………..
A. Agitated
B. Aggrieved
C. Responsible
D. Stupefied
3. The building which was abandoned for many years has been…….
A. Leased
B. Occupied
C. Reclaimed
D. Renovated
4. Everyone thought that Mike was guilty, but he was later found to be ……..
A. decent
B. harmless
C. innocent
D. kind
5. Kush, who was well known for his hospitality, has now become…….
A. Arrogant
B. Hostile
C. Naughty
D. Stubborn
6. The General gradually became a collaborator of his former ……………..
A. Adversary
B. Betrayer
C. Critic
D. Tormentor
7. The Manager rejected the excuse on the grounds that it was spurious and not……..
A. Genuine
B. Meaningful
C. Practicable
D. Sensible
8. The decrepit-looking vehicles that ply that route have been replaced by more……….ones.
A. Agile
B. Mangled
C. Robust
D. Tender
9. We were admonished to cherish teachers rather than ………… them.
A. Avoid
B. Detest
C. Neglect
D. Reject
10. When the gods are offended, sacrifices are offered to ………them.
A. Appease
B. Soften
C. Soothe
D. Worship
From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences.
11. Needy but brilliant students are always…….by the president.
A. Awarded
B. Compensated
C. Distinguished
D. Repaid
12. The doctor made…….efforts to save the life of the little girl.
A. Untiring
B. Serious
C. Reasonable
D. Frantic
13. Bribery and corruption have become………destroying our society.
A. A canker
B. An agenda
C. An issue
D. A problem
14. Only the lifeless bodies of the robbers were found as they had been ……by the mob.
A. Beaten
B. Caned
C. Caught
D. Lynched
15. Domestic consumption of ……….water is good but can be expensive.
A. Cold
B. Distilled
C. Pipe
D. Refrigerated
16. No one should infringe………….the rights of the vulnerable in society.
A. Across
B. Against
C. Upon
D. Unto
17. The coach resisted any changes in tactics, …………….?
A. Wasn’t he
B. Was he
C. Isn’t he
D. Didn’t he
18. Morro ……………receipt of the parcel as well as the instructions contained therein.
A. Admitted
B. Acknowledged
C. Claimed
D. Conceded
19. The protests were sparked ………by the poor response from the officials.
A. In
B. Off
C. On
D. Out
20. Kwame didn’t expect to work so hard for such a ……………pay.
A. Basic
B. Frugal
C. Meager
D. minimal
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word or expression in each sentence.
21. Abigail’s decision to quit the lob was quite obvious.
A. Clear
B. Early
C. Intentional
D. Wrong
22. The King was able to rule his people because he was endowed with wisdom.
A. Entrusted
B. Early
C. Rich
D. Supplied
23. The queen mother’s outfit for the occasion was resplendent.
A. Expensive
B. Gorgeous
C. Queenly
D. Superior
24. There was total pandemonium at the stadium and spectators ran for their dear lives.
A. Struggle
B. Panic
C. Noise
D. Chaos
25. The thoughts of some of our religious leaders are tainted.
A. Corrupt
B. Crooked
C. Imperfect
D. Impure
26. After intense arguments and negotiation, the Manager finally acceded to their request.
A. Accepted
B. Deferred
C. Reviewed
D. Sustained
27. Humans are still struggling with evil inclinations.
A. Absurdities
B. Determinations
C. Limitations
D. Tendencies
28. The author’s aversion to falsehood is evident in all his writings.
A. Disregard
B. Loathing
C. Regret
D. Suppression
29. The queen greeted the audience with a smile of singular sweetness
A. Creative
B. Definite
C. Elegant
D. Remarkable
30. A domineering person wants to have his way all the time.
A. Demanding
B. Overbearing
C. Perverse
D. Selfish
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
31. It is not advisable to leave a friend in the lurch. This means that one should not………
A. Abandon a friend in need.
B. Avoid a friend’s company.
C. Deliberately put a friend in trouble.
D. Thwart a friend’s effort
32. My initial fears were allayed when I realised we were all in the same boat. This means that we all ……..
A. Came from the same family.
B. Had to bear the cost together .
C. Had to work harder.
D. Had the same difficulty
33. The headmaster stuck to his guns in spite of protests from the students. This means that the headmaster
A. Denied the wrongdoing.
B. Dismissed those who opposed him.
C. Refused to resign.
D. Refused to change his mind.
34. If you think it is the fault of Jim, you are barking up the wrong tree. This means that
A. you have surprised Jim.
B. You are confused.
C. Your suspicion is wrong
D. You have been misled.
35. Even though Kojo violated the law, he was allowed a second bite of the cherry. This means that Kojo was
A. Served a final warning.
B. Reinstated.
C. Queried again.
D. Given another opportunity
36. The mere thought of travelling to that village gives me the creeps. This means that it makes me
A. Nervous.
B. Nostalgic.
C. Skeptical
D. Sympathetic
37. The contestants were on tenterhooks when the votes were being counted. This means that they were very
A. Anxious
B. Confused
C. Moody
D. Terrified
38. The chief has a bee in his bonnet about the moral decadence in society. This means he is
A. Uninterested in moral issues.
B. Practically immoral.
C. Obsessed with moral issues.
D. Mentally unstable.
39. She will tidy up her room when pigs fly. This means that she will
A. Tidy up when we are out playing.
B. Tidy up when we least expect her to
C. Surely clean her room.
D. Never clean her room.
40. That surgery will cost you an arm and a leg. This means that the surgery is
A. Rarely done.
B. Time-consuming.
C. Very delicate.
D. Very expensive.
In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the passage, four choices are offered in columns lettered A to D. For each numbered gap, choose from the options provided for that number, the word that is most suitable to fill the gap.
Natural sound – ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂwaves, wind, bird songs- are so —41—– that companies sell tapes of them to —42—–people seeking a relaxing —43—-in their homes or cars. One reason why environmental sounds are big —–44—-is the fact that ordinary citizens, especially city dwellers, are —-45—-by noise pollution. On the way to work, on the job, and on the way home, the typical——-46—resident must cope with a continuing barrage of unpleasant sounds.
The noise level in an office can be unbearable. From the beginning of the working day till closing, phones ring, typewriters clack and clatter, clocks—47—-, intercoms buzz Xerox—48—- thumb back and forth. Every time the managers can’t find people, they resort to a nerve-shattering public address –49–. Because managers worry about employees’—-50—, they graciously provide the endless droning of canned music. This effectively eliminates any possibility of a moment of blessed silence.
41. A. consoling
    B. soothing
    C. entertaining
    D. enticing
42. A. loving
    B. unhealthy
    C. working
    D. idle
43. A. context
    B. community
    C. suburb
    D. atmosphere
44. A. liabilities
    B. occupations
    C. businesses
    D. distractions
45. A. hampered
    B. drowned
    C. bombarded
    D. absorbed
46. A. urban
    B. rural
    C. village
    D. community
47. A. sing
    B. ring
    C. chime
    D. blink
48. A. machines
    B. equipment
    C. tools
    D. appliances
49. A. device
    B. system
    C. equipment
    D. instrument
50. A. morale
    B. strength
    C. ability
    D. conduct
- A
- A
- D
- C
- B
- A
- A
- C
- B
- A
- A
- D
- A
- D
- B
- C
- D
- B
- B
- C
- A
- D
- B
- D
- D
- A
- D
- B
- D
- B
- A
- D
- D
- C
- D
- A
- A
- C
- D
- D
- B
- B
- D
- C
- C
- A
- C
- A
- B
- A