WAEC Past Questions & Answer: GOVERNMENT 2021

Welcome to our WAEC past question and answer series. In this post, we will be sharing Government 2021 past questions and their answers for various subjects. Stay tuned enjoy while learning.
1. An undesirable attribute of capitalism is mostly seen in
A. freedom of choice
B. exploitation of labour
C. efficient production of goods and services
D. effective utilisation of labour
2. A constitution that requires an absolute majority of members of parliament to amend is a
A. confederal constitution
B. federal constitution
C. flexible constitution
D. rigid constitution
3. What is the term given to the action of discontinuing a session of a parliament or other legislative assembly without dissolving
A. Adjournment
B. Postponement
C. Prorogation
D. Recess
4. In a monocephalous executive system of government, all executive powers are vested in the
A. Chief Justice
B. President
C. Prime Minister
D. Speaker
5. The action programme of a political party intended to be carried out when political power is won is known as
A. code of conduct
B. party constitution
C. party survey
D. manifesto
6. What does the mass media rely on to gauge public opinion
A. Influential citizens
B. propaganda and interviews
C. polls and survey
D. Rumours and gossip
7. Which of the following options is the role of a newspaper in a state?
A. Determines government appointment
B. Disseminates information
C. Ensures fairness in newspaper circulation
D. Ensures fair distribution of relief items
8. The Civil Services helps the government to
A. recruit personnel for the army
B. develop and implement policies effectively
C. maintain instability in the state
D. stay in power for a long time.
9. A citizen is barred from active politics when employed as a
A. university lecturer
B. priest
C. civil servant
D. journalist
10. Citizens’ political participation is best practiced under a
A. militant pressure group
B. neighbourhood vigilante group
C. cooperative society
D. political party
11. The most important function of government is to ensure the
A. building of offices and houses
B. judiciary is well resourced
C. second arm of government is respected
D. security of the citizens
12. The right to an adequate standard of living falls under
A. civil rights
B. economic right
C. free market economy
D. right to life
13. People’s political values are continuously shaped by the following agents except
A. education
B. family
C. media
D. ombudsman
14. In which political system was there two levels of government with considerable devolution?
A. Capitalism
B. Federalism
C. Fascism
D. Unitarism
15. A system of government in which people elect their lawmakers and make them accountable for their actions and inactions in government is
A. a representative government
B. first-past-the-post government
C. an oligarchy government
D. checks and balances system of government
16. Which territories in British West Africa did the colonial government exercise limited jurisdiction?
A. Conquered states
B. Mandated territories
C. protectorates
D. Trust territories
17. One of the following French West African colonies was the first to gain independence
A. Benin
B. Burkina Faso
C. Guinea
D. Togo
18. The struggle by the chiefs and people West Africa against political, social and economic dominance by European powers was referred to as
A. imperialism
B. nationalism
C. neo-colonialism
D. liberation
19. The European imperialist penetration into West Africa was primarily motivated by the following consideration except
A. compassion
B. economic
C. social
D. military
20. Which policy made the colonised French West African partners with France in her colonial project?
A. Assimilation policy
B. Association policy
C. Indirect rule policy
D. Loi Cadre
21. The British colonial governor in West Africa wielded sweeping powers by virtues of
A. the land tenure system
B. drafting laws
C. tax collection
D. veto power
22. The action plan by African countries under the New partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) aimed at tackling the following issues except
A. economic
B. political
C. religious
D. social
23. What motivated the adoption of indirect Rule system by the British in her West African colonies?
A. Effective and efficient tax system was in place
B. Chiefs did not have the power to make laws
C. Educated elites were in bed with the British government
D. The land was fertile for cash crop farming
24. The Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) was established primarily to
A. create a common currency for member countries
B. prevent neo-colonialism
C. sideline French West African countries in economic activities
D. Promote economic growth and development among member states.
25. The media can best contribute to the democratic process of a country by
A. lobbying ministers to be in their good books
B. setting the agenda for good government
C. inciting strikes and demonstrations
D. recounting the achievements of the government in power
26. Public corporations can deliver on their mandate if
A. incidence of corporation and mismanagement were dealt with
B. loans were secured to pay staff well
C. politicians were members of the board
D. religious institutions pray for their success
27. Citizenship of a state is based on the following requirements except
A. birth
B. marriage
C. education
D. naturalisation
28. One-party system encourages and often ends up in
A. democracy
B. dictatorship
C. fair electoral contest
D. freedom of expression
29. Which of the following tools is not used by pressure groups to achieve with their aim?
A. Boycotts
B. Demonstrations
C. Elections
D. Strikes
30. Frequents military coup d’etats which topple elected governments negatively affect and stall
A. education
B. culture and religion
C. health
D. democratic gains
31. How beneficial is delegated legislation to the democratic process? It
A. aids lawmakers to become experts in legislation
B. cannot be applied during period of crises
C. helps to discipline personnel in the civil service
D. permits handling of certain aspect of legislation by non-technocrats
32. Local government performs a number of functions on behalf of the central government in the form of
A. employing police officers
B. ensuring people attend religious institutions of prayers
C. mobilising of resources of development
D. punishing opposition or dissent
33. In an environment of press freedom, the media plays the role of
A. articulating views of individuals
B. inciting people to be lawless
C. projecting individuals above the state
D. highlighting only the activities of government
34. Chiefs under the indirect Rule system were used to carry out unpopular tasks, one of which was
A. enforcement of Western education
B. establishment of churches
C. military conscription
D. presiding over native courts
35. In restoring peace and security to Liberia and Sierra Leone the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) deployed a military force known as
A. Regional Armed Forces (RAF)
B. Peace Keeping Force of West Africa (PKFWA)
C. ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group (ECOMONG)
D. ECOWAS heads of State and Government
36. The desire for foreign investments and overseas market had become the driving force behind many West African countries
A. educational policy
B. foreign policy
C. campaign tool
D. dream ideology
37. Citizenship does not only go with rights but also the performance of
A. compulsory military service
B. compulsory teaching
C. certain obligations and duties
D. certain religious rites
38. Taking over power, military governments disregard democratic protocols and rule mainly by
A. decrees
B. popular acclamation
C. jury
D. court martial
39. Which electoral system best suit a heterogenous political environment?
A. Non-transferable votes
B. Preferential ballot
C. Proportional representation
D. Run-off election
40. Judicial review in a democratic environment is an aspect of
A. checks and balances
B. a check on the legislature
C. a check on the executive and the media
D. ensuring the police assist the judiciary in its work
41. One advantage of multi party system is that, the
A. electorate have wide range of choice
B. educated elite represents their people in parliament
C. executive is not restrained by law
D. party in power creates employment for all sympathisers
42. The following factors motivated the formation and growth of political parties in British West African territories except
A. external socio-political factors
B. improvement in communication network
C. membership of legislative council
D. the role of newspapers
43. Undue political interference in the work of electoral management bodies in West Africa has the potential to
A. ensure fairness and transparency in their operations
B. employ qualified returning officers
C. erode the independence of the institution
D. make all parties accept election result.
44. A person who is denied the right to vote is described a
A. uncivilised
B. disenfranchised
C. civil servant
D. non-partisan
45. Public corporation is a semi-independent statutory body established by
A. an act of parliament
B. a civil service commission
C. a private sector initiative
D. free zones board
46. One of the objectives of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is to
A. establish a standing army
B. give loans to poor countries in the world
C. promote and encourage respect for human rights and freedoms
D. ensure African leaders are respected
47. The West African Youth League (WAYL) was a nationalist movement found by
A. Bankole-Bright
B. ITA Wallace-Johnson
C. J.E. Casely Hayford
D. Samuel Akisanya
48. Commonwealth member states derive the following benefits from the association except
A. assistance to war-torn countries
B. promotion of education
C. political instability
D. promotion of sports
49. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is saddled with many problems, one of which is
A. colonial heritage
B. facilitation of movement of people
C. inter-state trading
D. sports and cultural exchange
50. In which system of government are all the components units sovereign?
A. Confederal
B. Federal
C. monarchical
D. Republican
Answers To Questions
- B
- D
- C
- B
- D
- C
- B
- B
- C
- D
- D
- B
- D
- D
- A
- C
- B
- B
- A
- A
- D
- C
- A
- D
- B
- A
- C
- B
- C
- D
- D
- C
- A
- D
- C
- B
- C
- A
- C
- A
- A
- B
- C
- B
- A
- C
- B
- C
- A
- A